Music in the Parish
Saturday Vigil Mass - 7pm
At 7 o’clock Mass music has a different vibe, You just need enthusiasm to be part of this tribe. So come and join in if you want some fun, This is the place where many friendships have begun. If you need some TLC or a little extra care, This is the group that will always be there. Margaret and Jane are there leading the crew, There’ll always be a welcome here waiting for you! Sunday 8:00am Mass is the quiet Mass! Sunday 9:30am Mass They say that singing is praying twice over and for the musicians who serve at the 9:30 mass, this is our belief. We are a little family of music enthusiasts led by the lovely John Thomas. He leads us with a smile and his big heart radiates over us as he guides us. This is what makes the experience so special for us. We care about each other, the music, the mass and all the parishioners. We are privileged and committed to serve with big hearts, wide smiles, good humour and the odd clanger. We do not take ourselves too seriously so when we make mistakes, we can see the funny side. Behind us, in Our Lady’s Chapel, there are often families with young children and they too have become part of the 9:30 mass music group. We hope that when they are older, they will be able to pick up where we left off! And then there’s coffee in the Community Centre |
Sunday 11:00am Mass
Hymns sung by congregation and choir is a key feature of the celebration of this Mass. The choir consists of “enthusiastic” singers whose aim is to 'Praise the Lord with joy and gladness.” Currently we are fortunate to have three organists (not all at the same time!), plus instrumentalists, who vary both the sound and repertoire of hymns. A rota of musicians ensures that as far as possible, there is music every week to lead the singing. We make mistakes (sometimes audible), we introduce new hymns, and both musicians and choir are around for coffee after Mass so you can contribute your ideas. Do come and join us … in church and in the Community Centre later. Sponsor a Hymn Book
Parishioners are also welcome to sponsor one of our hymn books with a dedication to a family or friend who has died. This raises much needed funds for the parish and is a fitting gesture of remembrance for loved ones. If you would like to sponsor a hymn book, please write down the name of the person you want to be remembered, plus a £5 donation and put them into an envelope. This can either be posted through the door of the presbytery or handed to Fr John after Mass. |