Lunch Club

The Lunch Club is held on Wednesdays in the Community Centre. Doors open at 12 noon.
A hot lunch and a vegetarian option are served between 12.30pm and 3.00pm but again the benefit is more than the meal; it’s the friendship, conversation and teamwork that we all enjoy. Serving the meals is a team of volunteer ladies, without whose help we could not operate. So, thanks to all those who prepare and cook the meals as well as to those who share their cars to provide a transport for those in need of a lift to the Community Centre.
Just drop in any Wednesday lunchtime (once things are back to 'normal') and you will be made very welcome.
A hot lunch and a vegetarian option are served between 12.30pm and 3.00pm but again the benefit is more than the meal; it’s the friendship, conversation and teamwork that we all enjoy. Serving the meals is a team of volunteer ladies, without whose help we could not operate. So, thanks to all those who prepare and cook the meals as well as to those who share their cars to provide a transport for those in need of a lift to the Community Centre.
Just drop in any Wednesday lunchtime (once things are back to 'normal') and you will be made very welcome.