Ministers of Holy Communion

The ordinary minister of Holy Communion is the priest or deacon; so "extraordinary" ministers are lay people, women or men, who assist at Holy Communion during Mass and take Communion to those who are ill or housebound.
There is a small team of ministers of Holy Communion for each of our Masses, assisting Fr John and sometimes taking Holy Communion direct from Mass to the sick or housebound where a short service comprising a reading from scripture, a prayer or two, and Holy Communion takes place.
Usually, service as an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion is by invitation from the Priests but if you feel called to serve as an Extraordinary Minister do speak to Fr John.
We welcome requests from those who are housebound and their families, to receive Holy Communion at home. Please do get in touch.
There is a small team of ministers of Holy Communion for each of our Masses, assisting Fr John and sometimes taking Holy Communion direct from Mass to the sick or housebound where a short service comprising a reading from scripture, a prayer or two, and Holy Communion takes place.
Usually, service as an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion is by invitation from the Priests but if you feel called to serve as an Extraordinary Minister do speak to Fr John.
We welcome requests from those who are housebound and their families, to receive Holy Communion at home. Please do get in touch.